My secret

Wrestling with fear

I’ll tell you a secret – when faced with almost anything new or unfamiliar, I’m usually wrestling with fear. I’m not using the word “wrestling” lightly – we have a bit of a tussle, my fear and I, but (and I’m proud of this) I don’t give in without a good fight. And I usually win.


I know I’m not alone and many of us feel this way. Courage does not require an absence of fear.


This wonderful quote from Anais Nin says it so much more eloquently than I can. When I can manage (if not completely conquer) my fear and say a big confident YES (or even a small, timid yes) to new opportunities then all kinds of great things happen. I learn new stuff, or make friends, or get new job offers. I get wiser. I eventually get comfortable doing the stuff that was so scary and my confidence grows. It changes the way I see myself. It changes the way others see me. My life gets bigger. And much more interesting.


It’s not always comfortable – actually, usually it’s super uncomfortable. But I don’t want a comfortable life – what about you?