On my way to the bus this morning, I saw this message in my neighbourhood. It’s one of my favourite quotes from American author, poet, and civil rights activist – the wonderful Maya Angelou.
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better”.
For me this deceptively simple statement reminds me to be gentle with myself. To forgive myself for stuff I did when I just didn’t know what I do now.
A regular theme that comes up in my coaching is self-compassion. Generally, my clients seem much more inclined to mentally flog themselves than to give themselves a break. I often try and help them to see that a wiser approach is to be more humane and forgiving with themselves. Understand that you did the best you could (in that moment, at that time, in those circumstances).
We learn as we go. Sometimes we stuff up. But the problems, challenges, and difficulties that we face, become our greatest learnings. And we become stronger (and wiser) in overcoming them.
And of course, a gentler, kinder approach gives you the space (and grace) to ask yourself that most important of all coaching questions “what is this here to teach me?”.
Memento vivere.