This is Brett Whitely’s “Lipstick” – a particular favourite of mine
Like a lot of unusual and bold women, not everyone likes her. Actually, I think very few people like her. Maybe they don’t know what to make of her. That’s okay – it’s not her job to make you feel comfortable.
I’ve a huge soft spot for her. She’s squashed into that awkward shape, to fit into the small space she’s been given by the artist. I look at her - with those extraordinary long limbs. I see – if she could stand – what a mighty and magnificent woman she would be.
She reminds me of how I keep myself small and makes me ask myself what “big” looks like for me. What am I not doing because I’m trying to fit in? Or because I’m afraid? What does fearless look like for me?
I often feel like she’s saying (with a touch of exasperation!) “I’m stuck in this frame forever, but you can stretch out and stride and be bold – what are you waiting for?”
We are all capable of so much more than we think – what holds us back do you think?