A few years ago I decided to ditch the idea of new year’s resolutions (that I rarely kept - nobody does!) and replace it with a new year’s ritual. Something that would be easy to do – a joy to do actually.
I came up with two.
The first is to wake up early every day so that I can read in bed. I can’t tell you how much this has added to my life. My knowledge. My peace. I look forward to waking up, getting myself a cup of coffee and reading quietly as the day dawns whilst the birds are doing their thing. The best way (for me) to start my day. Bliss.
The second was to take Sundays off. No emails, no supermarket shop, no work, no chores, no technology. A day of freedom from expectations. My Sundays go deliciously slowly – a day that feels like a whole week – in the best way possible.
These rituals make my life so much better and now I’m starting to think I should have work rituals too.
It’s a way to live and work more joyfully, deliberately and purposefully…
What are the habits and rituals (both personal and professional) that fill your cup and make life better?