If I were ever to get a tattoo (it’s not going to happen!) it would read memento mori – Latin for “remember death”. You may think I’m morbid but, for me, it’s a life affirming message.
A reminder that our life will end can focus the mind on what is truly important – to savour experiences, enjoy your work, practise kindness, love and live with generosity.
Coaching conversations about career often lead to bigger questions - what do I value? Who do I want to be? Am I living life on my terms?
Steve Jobs said “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life”. His words became particularly poignant with his early death 6 years later. It’s uncomfortable to acknowledge that our life will end – but it will. I hope you feel inspired to make the most of the time you have.
PS Check out Steve Jobs’ Stanford University 2005 Commencement address – link below.